Diversity and inclusivity in the workplace is crucial to the success of your business. Our very own Talent Manager describes in his own words why valuing diversity in your workplace is so important.
Diversity Impacts Your Success
A diverse and inclusive workplace is one with an internal culture where every employee can feel empowered, supported, connected, and valued.
In the lead up to the 2022 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday the 5th of March, we’d like to share some amazing stories of company culture told in their own words, by our very own Employsure employees.
Employsure Talent Manager Kieran Hayes in His Own Words
“Employsure is easily the most innately inclusive organisation I have ever seen."
“I can hand on heart say that everyone who comes into the organisation can feel safe that they can be themselves, whoever that may be, without fear of repercussion.
We hire first and foremost on values, one of which is Integrity. The result of this is a group of individuals who embrace diversity.
As an individual, I know that I can speak out and be authentic. I know that my colleagues will embrace the value of my opinion. Being in HR, my job is made that much easier by knowing that my peers can be themselves.
The impact of being in a safe space cannot be underestimated.
"As a society, we need to move towards a world where people do not need to come out."
To feel that you have to explain yourself time and time again is incredibly daunting and damaging. At Employsure, I have never had to come out. It was an accepted part of me before I even spoke about it.
At Employsure, we have made inclusivity part of our values. This needs to be done, not only to ingrain inclusivity into your culture but also to hold your leaders to account. Embracing diversity and seeking diverse opinions has to be part of how you measure success.
We also keep the conversation around minority groups going. It’s not just a one-off celebratory post about an event. It’s an ongoing conversation throughout the business.
"We also keep the conversation around minority groups going. It’s not just a one-off celebratory post about an event. It’s an ongoing conversation throughout the business."
We educate the business on key topics, like what privilege is and how to address it, what is a microaggression, and different biases and strategies on how to overcome them, and the history of key events and what they mean.”
Kieran Hayes Talent Manager At Employsure
If you would like to look at your employment relations or policies, then get in touch today and we can advise you what will suit your business needs. Our respected advisors offer free initial advice 24 hours a day.