The Fair Work Commission has recently clarified the way some Award provisions apply, and made minor amendments to the Professional Employees Award 2020
What Are the Changes?
Effective 18 June 2020, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has clarified the way some Award provisions apply, and made minor amendments to the Award itself, including:
The year in the Award name has changed from 2010 to 2020. It is now called the Professional Employees Award 2020.
The Pay Rate Schedule has been updated to reflect the new 2020 version of the Award. Some rates of pay may have changed by one or two cents.
The facilitative provisions clause has been expanded to highlight additional employment conditions which can be varied by mutual agreement with an employee.
The conditions that may be varied by agreement include the period of notice for transfers, annual leave in advance and cashing out of annual leave.
In addition, the FWC confirms that substitution of public holidays may be done with mutual agreement with an individual employee rather than by agreement with a majority of employees.
The Award confirms that it is both an industry and occupational award. This does not change the current application or who may be covered by this Award.
What Do I Need To Do?
Check your rates of pay to ensure you are meeting your minimum pay obligations outlined in the attached Pay Rate Schedule.
If you wish to vary any Award terms, please get in contact with workplace relations professionals.
How Can Employsure Help Me?
Not a client? If you need help understanding and implementing these changes, please contact Employsure on 1300 651 415 and we can give you free, initial advice on this topic. If you’d like more help implementing these changes in your business and are interested in ongoing support, Employsure can help you.
Employsure clients affected by the changes to the Professional Employees Award 2020 have been notified of these changes by email. Get in contact with Employsure if you have any trouble understanding or implementing these changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Did These Changes Come Into Effect?
These changes came into effect on Thursday 18 June 2020.
Has the Pay Rate Schedule Changed?
Yes, the Pay Rate Schedule for the Professional Employees Award 2020 has changed.
Do You Need Help Understanding These Changes to the Professional Employees Award 2020?
Not a client? If you do need help understanding and implementing these changes, feel free to ring Employsure on 1300 651 415. We can give you free, initial advice on these changes to the Professional Employees Award 2020.
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