The Fair Work Commission has recently clarified the way some Award provisions apply, and made minor amendments to the Timber Industry Award itself.
What Are the Changes?
A broader application to include employees under all streams of the Award and not solely the Wood and Timber Furniture Stream.
Confirmation that a “regular casual employee” is a casual who has in the preceding period of 12 months worked a pattern of hours similar to that of a full-time or part-time employee.
Previously the cause required 6 months length of service in order to apply, however, the requirement has been extended to 12 months length of service.
Confirmation of the circumstances which are considered reasonable grounds to refuse a casual conversion request.
Confirmation that consultation must occur before a decision to refuse a request and any refusal must be given within 21 days of the application and must include the reasons for the refusal.
What Do I Need to Do?
If you receive a request from a casual employee requesting conversion to full-time or part-time employment, confirm that the employee meets the applicable definition of a regular casual as defined in this clause.
If you are considering declining a casual conversion request, ensure that the reason falls within the accepted reasonable grounds of refusal.
If you decide to decline a request for casual conversion make sure you have consulted prior to this, and the reasons for declining the request are given in writing, within 21 days of the application.
How Can Employsure Help Me?
Not a client? If you need help understanding and implementing these changes, please contact Employsure on 1300 651 415 and we can give you free, initial advice on this topic. If you’d like more help implementing these changes in your business and are interested in ongoing support, Employsure can help you.
Employsure clients affected by the changes to the Timber Industry Award have been notified of these changes by email. Get in contact with Employsure if you have any trouble understanding or implementing these changes.
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Frequently Asked Questions
When Did These Changes Come Into Effect?
These changes came into effect on Monday 4 May 2020.
Has the Pay Rate Schedule Changed?
Yes, the Pay Rate Schedule for the Timber Industry Award has changed.
Do You Need Help Understanding These Changes to the Timber Industry Award?
Not a client? If you do need help understanding and implementing these changes, feel free to ring Employsure on 1300 651 415. We can give you free, initial advice on these changes to the Timber Industry Award.

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