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Vaccines, Reopening and COVID: Information for Employers

Published August 3, 2020 (last updated on February 28, 2024) | Adam Wyatt - Content Writer

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This Hub contains all the resources we’ve made for small business owners, as well as handy links to relevant official sources. We’re here to help small businesses get back on their feet as they re-open, manage COVID-19 and vaccinations in the workplace, and adjust to the new normal.

Vaccine Resources

We have prepared the below resources to help you understand your vaccine obligations and take the necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of staff in your workplace.

Vaccinations in the Workplace Fact Sheet

Infectious Diseases Risk Assessment Tool

COVID-19 Vaccinations Guide for Employers

Template Vaccinations Policy

Roadmap to Mandating Vaccines in the Workplace. This table will help you understand if you need to or can mandate vaccines.

Vaccine Memorandum to Employees (Request to Vaccinate)

Vaccine Memorandum to Employees (Request to Vaccinate Due to Government Direction)

Mandatory Face Masks Factsheet

Vaccine Kit for Employsure Clients

Everything you need in one handy kit. Note: clicking the button below will download a ZIP file; if you can’t see it, be sure to check your ‘Downloads’ folder

Download Now

Reopening Resources

Ready or preparing to reopen? These resources can help put you on the front foot.

COVID Safety Plan Kit

COVID-19 Poster Kit

Working from Home Kit

Reopening Guide

COVID Workplace Policy

Template Memo. Help communicate the Coronavirus Workplace Policy to staff

Absence Options. Whether your employee is infected, or just refusing to come to work, this table outlines your options

Other Resources For Employers

Agreement to Take Leave. Template letter

Confirmation of Stand Down. Template letter

Stand Down Options. This table will help you understand your stand down options

Official Government Sources

Make sure you’re getting only correct, official health and travel from government sources. Resources are listed below. State Government resources

Maximise Your Mutual

If you are a client of Employsure, you are most likely a member of Employsure Mutual. Here are some tips to make the most of your Protection during the Coronavirus crisis.

Tips to Protect your Business when Managing Covid-19 Workplace Re-Organisation*

  • Contact Employsure for advice on any issues relating to your employees or work health and safety concerns

  • If you need to re-organise your workplace and, in particular, if this is likely to result in reductions to pay or changes to employment contracts, contact Employsure to obtain advice and guidance on how to address these issues (what to do and day and what not to do and say) and follow the advice as to recommended processes and documentation

  • Provide Employsure with accurate and detailed information

  • Before making a decision to dismiss an employee or change their employment conditions, contact Employsure for advice

Remember: It is a condition of Employsure Protect that Employsure’s advice is sought and followed in relation to matters that have the potential to result in a claim.  Claims arising where advice has not been sought and followed are excluded under Clauses 4 and 6 of Section 2 of the Employsure Protect Product Disclosure Statement.

*You are required to seek and follow advice from Employsure when you become aware of circumstances which may give rise to an Employment Claim or Health and Safety Claim in order to have the benefit of Protection through Employsure Protect (please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for full terms and conditions).

Still Have Questions?

Need More Answers?

If you’re read this page back to front and still have more questions, we’re here to help. Call Employsure’s advice line for more information (clients only)

Call 1300 651 415

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Peninsula Protect is a financial product issued by Peninsula Mutual Limited ACN 630 256 478, AFS Licence No. 544232. Peninsula Mutual Limited has appointed Peninsula Australia Pty Ltd as its Authorised Representative 001274577 to distribute the product and provide general advice. To decide if this product is right for you, please read the Peninsula Protect Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination.