John Titman was struggling to manage his employees, claiming they “have the ability to stop the successful running of a business”. Before Employsure, the business had no contracts in place for staff and no policies or procedures to help legally manage them. Any staff problems had a major impact on productivity.
John called Fair Work, but the advisor just gave him a “blanket answer”. He did not have the skill to interpret what they said and could not apply their general advice to his own case. John believes Fair Work always views small business as not doing the right thing, no matter what their employees have done. He is concerned business has to “walk so many tightropes in line with the law”.
What We Did
Employsure met John and Kevin Titman at a time they felt very exposed by an imminent tribunal hearing. They realised they had a “definite need” for our services and acknowledged there were some “big gaps” in their HR. If they were in trouble again, to whom would they go to for help and how would they be able to interpret any advice?
Throughout the tribunal process, Employsure was there to help and protect John Titman at all times. As a result, it was less of an ordeal and provided valuable information about how to prevent this from happening again.
Employsure supplied an employee handbook to clarify the roles and responsibilities of its workers as well as all the policies and procedures the company needed to be compliant and up to date with employment law.
The Result
John Titman appreciates the loyal backing Employsure provides, as well as the high level of protection a family business like his needs. Acknowledging his experience of working with us, he considers the advice team at Employsure to be his “right-hand men”.
While staff may be unpredictable at times, John knows Employsure is on his side to help with any employee problems that could affect his business. This gives him confidence that even when there are unexpected hiccups, his business can keep on running.
John says the Employsure service is REAL value for money. Having used our service, he cannot express just how much value the company has already enjoyed so far.
Employsure put necessary structures in place to minimise the exposure of JTR to further employee problems. This reliable structure of policies and procedures has given managers peace of mind as well as a good sounding board for future decisions.