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Silk Flower Rentals: Everything is now how it should be

Published August 25, 2016 (last updated on April 19, 2024)

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Silk Flower Rentals experienced exceptionally smooth sailing for over 20 years when they were suddenly faced with an employment issue, highlighting their need for professional assistance.

While the employee was at fault, they still made a claim against the business, which completely changed the owner's approach to managing his staff.

He realised that while staff may be the business’s biggest asset, they can also be his biggest liability.

What We Did

When faced with this sudden and unexpected claim, the owner knew he needed to seek specialist guidance. Employsure was recommended to him, and after speaking to one of our team members he knew the service was right for him. Knowing he would have the ongoing support he needed was reassuring, as he did not want to take any further chances.

Silk Flower Rentals took advantage of Employsure’s advice line to received best practice advice, specific to his business. Employsure also provided much needed comprehensive documentation, including employee handbooks, contracts and business specific policies and procedures, while advising how best to implement them into the business.

The Result

Quality advice.

Employsure’s advice line exceeded the expectation of the owner of Silk Flower Rentals. He always receives a quick and viable answer to his queries, and no longer has any doubts as to whether he is meeting his obligations as an employer.

“I wouldn’t have known where to look for the answers you give me. All I need to do now is call and I receive the answer I need, it’s that simple!”

Ongoing support.

As Silk Flower Rentals continues to grow, having the support of Employsure gives them the peace of mind that issues maybe prevented before they occur. He knows he now has the correct documentation in place for new staff members and he will always receive assistance on any concerns he may have.

Correct answer, every time.

“I now have no doubts, everything is the way it should be.”

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