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Other Employment Relations

Peninsula guides to employment relations and company culture

Other Employment Relations

As an employer, you need to ensure your workplace runs in a fair and safe manner, free from all forms of discrimination, bullying, violence, sexual harassment, and where each employee is provided with accurate and fair entitlements, in line with specific legislations. The associated legislations are strict guidelines every workplace must follow to ensure all processes and procedures followed by a business, from the advertising of positions through to termination or redundancy, are managed in a fair, reasonable and just manner. Equally, employers are well within their rights to protect themselves against employee misconduct, poor performance, and other behavioural issues such as improper email usage. When it comes to employment relations, it is important to get it right, Last year alone, the Fair Work Commission received 34,152 applications from employees against employers throughout Australia. Amongst those applications, 42.8% were in relation to unfair dismissal, followed by 17.3% regarding agreements. As an employer, the key matters to pay particular attention to include:

  • the termination of employees

  • making employees redundant

  • leave entitlements

  • flexible working requests and arrangements

  • bonus, allowances, and commissions

  • employment contracts

  • policies and procedures within your workplace

  • code of conduct specific to your workplace

  • wages and salaries

  • other employee entitlements

By effectively implementing various employment relations obligations and measures into your business, you are setting solid foundations for business success.  From attracting and retaining quality employees, to ensuring each employee receives their minimum entitlements, all fall under the provision of employment relations. While employment relations can be difficult to navigate, Employsure can take the hassle out of understanding the often complex legislation, to ensure your business is functioning in line with the requirements under Fair Work legislations.

For peace of mind, please call our 24-hour Advice Line now on 1300 651 415.

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