Australia has some of the most complicated pay structures in the world and 121 different Modern Awards.
Calculating employee pay correctly can be challenging, especially if you have full-time, part-time, and casual employees or apprentices at different stages of their training or multiple awards applying across your workforce. You also need to be fully aware of overtime rates, penalty rates, loadings, and allowances.
Wrong data in, wrong pay out
As an employer you’re ultimately responsible for ensuring your employees are paid correctly, on time, and they receive their full entitlements and benefits.
Whether you use an automated or manual payroll system, or outsource your payroll to a specialist service provider, you’re responsible for any mistakes made when calculating the pay of your employees. You also need to be aware of the various employee and payroll tax rates, and compulsory superannuation payments.

Paying employees incorrectly could result in incurring severe penalties by the ATO or Fair Work Ombudsman
How Peninsula can help
If you’re unsure of the various entitlements, current awards for your industry, or the different pay rates that may apply to your employees, our team can offer pay rate advice and insights for your business and industry.
Although Peninsula does not provide payroll services or offer any financial advice, we can help you better understand your wage obligations to help you stay compliant and avoid costly mistakes.
Penalty rates
Penalty rates are higher pay rates that employees in Australia may be entitled to provided they are covered by an Award, enterprise agreement, or registered agreement.
Employees may be entitled to a penalty rate when working:
Public holidays
Late night shifts
Early morning shifts

How Peninsula can help
Peninsula can help you stay up to date with minimum wage increases, award updates, pay rates, penalty rates, and industry allowances. Call us for initial advice on 1300 651 415.