Employers have a duty is to ensure that employees are well informed about their health and safety at work. Australian workplace legislation states that employees must be aware of any potential hazards and safe methods while at work. There are a number of ways you can share health and safety information but, whatever way you choose, your employees need to make sense of it.
Sharing health and safety information
Different industries and workplaces approach sharing health and safety information in different styles. Known as ‘Toolbox talks‘, tailgate meetings’ or ‘safety briefings‘, they are informal safety meetings usually held for specific tasks. Some businesses may run team briefings where the manager talks to the team about safety in their workplace. While some businesses can have a designated employee in charge of workplace health and safety who will offer updates. There is a structure in place to follow for the meetings, which you can implement for your workplace. It is essential to document the details, attendance, and minutes of the informal safety meeting for your records.
You can regularly conduct a ‘training needs analysis‘ to decide if employees need further training in health and safety and whether to do this in-house or hire an external trainer. It is extremely important that you have a routine to discuss and share health and safety information with your team. Always record the type of training your employees undertake. You can also have them sign for any training taken.
Sometimes you will consult with your employees on health and safety, either directly or through a safety representative elected by your workforce or appointed by a union. Provide your employees with the findings of any risk assessments by putting in writing the safest ways of working.
Employsure advises you on the best ways to communicate information for employees. For peace of mind, please call our 24 hour Advice Line now on 1300 651 415.
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