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Mayfield Chocolates.

Published: August 31, 2018

This episode of Small Business State of Mind features Peter Ingall from Mayfield Chocolates. Peter talks about the value of communicating with staff, the importance of accurate projections and how to avoid micro-managing.

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Well the starting point was we wanted to

feature flavours of Australia because the

premise was that Australia makes lots of

good foods, so why don't we use some of

them in the chocolates rather than just

doing chocolates with syrups and

flavouring and stuff

So from the start we've done things like

natives wattle, lemon myrtle, kakadu plum

native aniseed and we also do other things

that are made in Australia

like Queensland Rum

South Australian Brandy

Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey

fresh cream and we use

these ingredients in a creative way

to get a really good taste result

The main obstacle starting from scratch

everything's totally experimental and

some things work really well right from

the start so for instance people love

their chocolates so we've got the recipes

right and some of the equipment we got

was perfectly fine

other equipment not quite so appropriate

I've learnt from that

that if you're starting a business

and you're making projections

when you're doing your budgeting

have your projected income and

double your expected expenditure

investment required so you have to overcome that

so allow time to build up steam

I think communication is very important

that you understand each other

also you give people the opportunity to

do their job

and you don't micromanage them

and you trust them to do things if

you've got the right people that

shouldn't be a problem

Also having the legal side of it sorted out

so that if something does go wrong

it can be handled properly.

Keep a focus

don't be all over the place

and if you're employing people,

get professional advice

about all rules because it's

pretty complicated especially if you

haven't done it before.

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