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Regional Youth Support Services.

Published: January 11, 2018

This episode of Small Business State of mind features Kim McLoughry from Regional Youth Support Services (RYSS). Kim talks about the pride she has in her employees, and how investment in great staff leads to an engaging and productive workplace. Kim emphasises the importance of building a mentally healthy workplace to ensure all employees feel supported and engaged.

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We're one of the leaders of the youth services

here on the Central Coast

I take great pride in that

and we get really good results with the kids we've got

and that's because we've got great staff

great workers

they're very engaging they're fantastic communicators

they're very passionate about what they do

and they're very skilled we've got a fairly high level

of skills and qualifications in our agency

which is a really good thing

So working out here in community we have to create

those safety mechanisms ourselves

it's that constant surveillance

it's listening, hearing, observing what's going on

it's that constant monitoring

and being able to respond to things fairly promptly

preventing things wherever you can

is a really important thing around safety

because this is about human safety, it's mental


yeah, we've got trip hazards and the physical hazard

stuff but it's really our concern most of the time

is more around people and behaviour and health

My advice would be select your staff carefully

and thoughtfully

maintaining your staff really well and keeping

a really healthy culture in your business

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