Sydney Dogs & Cats Home – Volunteer
Published: April 3, 2019
Wendy, a volunteer from the Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, shares her experiences volunteering at the pounds and her love for animals. Watch here now.
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My name's Wendy
and I've been volunteering here
at the Sydney Dogs & Cats Home for five months.
I just wanted to do something different to my regular
nine-to-five job, and I really love animals.
When you arrive in the morning
you will set up the day kennels for the
animals, placing all of their bedding and
toys in their kennel and filling their
water bowls. After that you have a briefing with the
staff. The staff will tell you if any new dogs
have arrived at the shelter, if any of their statuses
have changed. After that, we move all the
dogs from their night kennels to
their day kennels, after they've been out for
a toilet walk.
Each dog is an individual, so it's important to speak to
the staff and find out if they're timid.
If they need extra cuddles, if they like to walk
slowly or they need treats to tempt them
along the way.
Since I've started volunteering, I have actually found
a new passion and begun studying animals as
well. So I'm hoping for a career change
in the future because of my volunteer work.
The Sydney Dogs & Cats Home is
run mainly by volunteers with only a
very small amount of staff, so it's
important that we all show up and do our part.
Just like you would with any other job.
I'm happy to do anything when I
volunteer, because when I leave and I see
what I've achieved, no matter whether
that's doing laundry or cuddling dogs,
I feel really good about what I've achieved in the day.