Employsure has welcomed the decision in the NSW Supreme Court, finding two former employees and industry competitor Elmo Software guilty of Restraint of Trade and Inducement breaches.
We are pleased with the judgement in the New South Wales Supreme Court and welcome the decision to uphold the non-compete clauses in the contracts of ex-Employsure employees David McMurchy and Arumugam Kumaran.
We are vindicated in our decision to pursue action against both Mr McMurchy and Mr Kumaran, in order to protect our intellectual property, in this case our BrightHR service, as well as protect our current employees from further possible solicitation.
It is important businesses are able to protect themselves with clear and legal options, and the outcome of this case helps solidify this.
Employsure Chief Executive Officer David Price said, “We have no concerns about competition as long as it is legitimate and not based upon misuse of information.”
“Our focus now is to move forward and keep doing what we do best. We want to continue to help small business owners build a safe and fair workplace so they can grow their business and protect their employees.”
The full decision of the court can be found here.
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