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Bite-Size HR: The Eleventh Bite

Published: December 7, 2023

Advice Manager, Helen Noe, walks us through Flexible Parental Leave and what entitlements employees have. 
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How does flexible unpaid parental leave

work? Eligible National system employees

in Australia can take up to 12 months of

unpaid parental leave. The catch is that

this needs to be taken all in one go. But

what if that doesn't work for the

employee? This is where flexible unpaid

parential leave comes in. Here's a solid

block of 12 months unpaid parental leave.

Flexible unpaid parental leave means

that we can take some of the days in

this block and spread it out over a

longer 24 month period. New rules in the

Fair Work Act affect how an employee

can play with these days. For a child

born or adopted before the 1st of July

2023, they can take up to 30 days of

their 12 month entitlement as flexible days,

but careful, as soon as they take

flexible leave they can't take a

continuous period of leave anymore. For a

child born or adopted on or after the

1st of July 2023, there's more room for

employees to move within. These employees

can take up to 100 days of their 12

month entitlement as flexible days

either before or after the single

continuous period. Flexible days won't

end the continuous period, but they can't

be used to break it up either. Flexible

unpaid parental leave is no child's play,

don't hesitate to call and speak with

one of our advisers who can help you

with this


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