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Employsure Voices | Stagekings

Published: December 7, 2023

Employsure Voices is our way of shining the spotlight on our clients and their stories. This month, we hear from Jeremy, talking about the impact of COVID on the event industry and how he found support and assistance from Employsure.

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We started Stagekings in 2015

with the aim of bringing decorated stages and structures

to the event industry in Australia.

Some of the events that we've done are

the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony,

Shakespeare's Pop-up Globe Theatre

and Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

We use Employsure to help us with our HR

and our legal side of HR.

With some of the events we do,

we can have upwards of a hundred people working

and so it's really important

that we have the right systems in place

to look after those people

and make sure we're covered should anything go wrong.

They also help us to put our policies together

which has been a really great help for us

as a small growing business.

The most challenging time for Stagekings

and everyone in the entertainment industry

was obviously the onset of COVID.

The public gathering ban put an end to the whole industry.

Everything we did was public gatherings of over 500 people.

So it was a very difficult time

but Employsure was there

and we were straight on the phone to them.

Within the space of only one week

we went from losing everything

to ramping up again

and starting to make work-from-home office furniture,

desks and laptop stands and these sorts of things.

As we've grown off the back of COVID

we've purchased a steel fabrication company

and a signage company

and Employsure were very helpful in actually setting us up

with what we needed HR-wise and systems-wise

around safety for those new companies.

If I could tell myself one thing when I first started this,

it would be to diversify the industry that we deliver to.

So the next part of that

is really pushing and solidifying

that market of corporate activations and brands

and trying to push further that way.

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